Product and listing

How to list your products on looterashops???

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Listing products on looterashops is very easy, for this you have to become a seller of looterashops first, if you are not a seller of Looterashops then first you have to become a seller, for this you have to register as a Vendor The details are given above, it is very good if you are a Vendor, listing the product on looterashops is very simple and easy, for this you have to first go to the disk board of my account . Using the go to vendor desboad option, you will go to the Vendor’s disk board, then you can list the product using the Add New. When listing the product, you should keep in mind that What kind of products do you have, if you have existing physical products that have only one size and one color, you can use the Simple product option for you, but if you have such products There are different sizes and different colors, so you can use the Variable Product option for this. There will be some changes in the window and the Variable option will be gone tomorrow, in which you can set different prices for products of different sizes and different colors, shortly after uploading the product the product life Search, if there is any mistake in listing the product, such as inserting the wrong image, or inserting an image larger than the size, or smaller than the image size, in all these cases, the product will not approved. There are some instructions that you must read to get the product approved,

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